News / Financial


Maintenance on your home sewer system is recommended once a year.
The following are four contractors that service low pressure grinder pump systems:
Western Environmental Technologies –  Prescott-  Bob Hanus (owner)
Office: 928-277-1543 Cell: 602-327-3460

Yavapai Water Production – Prescott – Kimble McClymonds (owner)
Office: 928-899-3794    Home: 928-771-9461

SMART – Prescott – Rick Morse
Office: 928-227-2091

Environmental Biomass Svcs. – Cottonwood –  Brad Bowers (owner)
Office: 928-634-2533 Cell: 928-301-4697

Any questions?  Contact Us

Sewer System Information sheet

We highly recommend an annual service check-up to maintain your system in optimum condition.

News From Your Blackhawk HOA

The Blackhawk Board will prepare and mail a homeowner’s newsletter every October

Here is the 2023 Newsletter dated October, 2023

Blackhawk HOA Newsletter October 2023



A Blackhawk homeowner has requested, in 2016, that we mention the recent canker blight that has begun killing off trees in our community. It especially affects Leyland Cypress trees but can also affect Arizona Cypress as well as other pine/fir trees.  There appears to be no “cure” for this disease and diseased trees should be removed before the canker can spread.

The Arizona Cooperative Extension Service writes: “The presence of Seiridian canker was confirmed in Prescott, Arizona in July 2011…The fungus infects the tree by entering through the bark, producing toxins that ultimately interrupt the flow of sap, and ultimately stops the upward flow of water and mineral nutrients…Individual branches fade from green to yellow to reddish-brown…There are no chemical control measures for Seiridian canker…Severely affected plants should be removed from the landscape to limit spread to other susceptible hosts in the area.”


A Blackhawk owner reported in March 2018 that their 35’ Austrian pine, in front of their home, died in less than a month due to Pine Wilt disease.  Pine Wilt is a lethal disease caused by a native nematode vectored to trees by a wood borer insect–the pine sawyer beetle. Exotic pines including Scots, Austrian, and Mugo are susceptible to infection by the nematode.

High summer temperatures are required for the nematode to develop in the beetle and within infested trees. Infection and colonization of pines by the PWN starts in June or July but observable symptoms don’t normally appear until late summer or fall. Lack of water, resulting from dysfunction of the water-conducting system, causes the needles to initially turn grayish, turn from gray-green to tan and eventually brown. Dead needles remain attached to the tree through the winter. There are two chemicals labeled for the prevention of Pine Wilt.

A reputable arborist should be contacted if you notice any of the above symptoms on your trees.

Financial Information

Current Statements: 

February 29, 2024

Blackhawk HOA Financial Statement 4-30-24

March 31, 2024

Blackhawk HOA Financial Statement 5-31-2024

April 30, 2024

Blackhawk HOA Financial Statement 6-30-2024